Saturday, September 1, 2007

Quit Smoking

Preparing to Quit Smoking

People should be aware that smoking affects not only their lungs, but it is the source of number of diseases. In some health articles regarding the dangers of smoking, cigarette smokers show a higher risk of developing many chronic disorders. These include fatty build ups in their arteries, several types of cancers and chronic pulmonary and heart disease, which leads to heart attacks.
Smoking is equal to Diabetes, killing with out pain.
There are 1 billion smokers worldwide, resulting 3 million smoking related deaths per year. Deaths caused by smoking are five times higher than traffic accidents, poisoning from drugs and alcohol.
Now then Are you not afraid?. For some, these facts on the dangers of smoking can change their minds and help them quit. For those who wants to quit smoking, here are some recommendations:
01. Continue smoking as usual, don’t try to reduce the number of cigarettes you
smoke until last cigarette the night before you quit.
02. To be successful, you must stop abruptly.
03. Cutting down or changing to a milder brand just won’t work. The only way to stop
smoking is to “STOP SMOKING” .
04. Break the habit. Smoking is a habit that is closely linked to certain times and
places. If you break these habits, you can achieve. The best way to do this is to
avoid situations where you want cigarettes.
05. Pick the right day. Decide on the date you are going to stop smoking. Don’t put it
off till later, decide nowwww. There is never a perfect time to give up smoking.
06. Quit with a friend. Quitting with fellow smokers is a good idea. It will strengthen
your resolve and build your determination. Encourage a friend to quit smoking
with you.
07. tell your friends and family that you are quitting and ask for their support.
From early death, Save you , your family and your neighbourhood by quitting smoking!! Last chance to live happily.

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