Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spot The Flirt

You're out at a party and you notice a man or woman glancing at you often or trying to find ways to catch your attention. Is it an indication of the fact that he or she is flirting with you? Read on…

The glance

This one is slightly tricky, just because someone is glancing at you often does not necessarily mean he or she is being flirtatious. To know whether or not the glancing is of a flirtatious variety, read other signs — is he or she smiling at you? Do they look away every time you catch them looking at you? Do they acknowledge when you catch their glance? If the answers to the above questions are yes, then the glancing is flirtatious.

Touch and tease

The first sign that someone you've just met is flirting with you is that he or she will often make it a point to touch you, while having a conversation with you. It is the most intimate form of flirting. However, you need to know the difference between a flirtatious touch and a perverse gesture.

Sexual innuendos

Another sure sign that someone is flirting with you is if he or she pays you a sexual compliment. Again, there is a difference between a compliment and a crude statement so understand the difference. When a man or woman likes you they will tend to keep the conversation slightly sexy and try to get you to flirt back as well.


If you notice that someone is trying to get your attention, it means they are probably waiting for you to notice them, which will give them a chance to take things further. So, if someone is walking past your table several times and looking at you, it only means they are trying to get you interested.

The talk

Do you know any man or woman who is always the first to initiate conversation and try to get you to talk at length about a variety of things? He or she might just be flirting with you. They do it because they like you, and so would like to find out what you like and then keep talking to you about that.

Specific questions

Another great way of telling if someone is being flirtatious is when they want to know what you like to do when you're having fun. In a way, they are checking to see if you have things in common and are compatible.

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